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Park View Farm is a small family farm located in Leicester, N.Y. near beautiful Letchworth State Park.

We started Park View Farm to produce great tasting, nutritious food for ourselves, our family, and the community- providing local food security and an alternative to factory farmed meat. We believe in using sustainable, diversified farming practices.   Working with nature to regenerate land by building soil and promoting diverse ecosystems. Currently we are raising Cornish Cross meat chickens, Idaho Pasture Pigs, and Katahdin/White Dorper hair sheep.


Our chickens spend most of their lives outside where they enjoy fresh air and sunshine while foraging on green pasture.

They are fed organic non-GMO soy free feed and supplement with grass and insects.  Our pigs and sheep are rotationally grazed on a fresh salad bar.  Beyond mixed pasture grasses, our pigs are provided with an organic, non-GMO feed. The Sheep are fed no grain and are offered free choice minerals as a nutritional supplement.

Our animals compliment one another helping to develop a healthy pasture.  Chickens fertilize the pasture with their high nitrogen manure while also eating nuisance pests.  The hogs and sheep keep the pasture mowed turning grass into delicious, nutrient-dense meat. Rotational grazing of livestock adds carbon to the pasture building soil organic matter and biological health.

Healthy Soil —> Healthy Plants —> Healthy Animals —> Healthy People

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It would be our honor to have the opportunity to earn your trust and provide your family with our nourishing, humanely produced meat.  We believe pasture raised livestock to be far superior to the mass produced conventional alternative.  Better tasting, more nutritious, more humane, and better for the environment.

Calories raised with care, from our family to yours.


"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world."

— John Muir