Pasture Raised Pork- Half Hog- (Deposit)


Purchasing a half hog is a great way to stock up on high quality meat butchered directly to your specifications while also saving money by buying in bulk.

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Purchasing a half hog is a great way to stock up on high quality meat butchered directly to your specifications while also saving money by buying in bulk.

Purchasing a half hog is a great way to stock up on high quality meat butchered directly to your specifications while also saving money by buying in bulk.

We raise Idaho Pasture Pigs, a medium sized, slower growing grazing pig.  Our happy pigs live on pasture- in fresh air and sunshine- and are rotated frequently to a fresh salad bar.  Beyond mixed pasture grasses, they are provided with an organic, non-GMO feed.  Their slower growth and forage diet creates a rich, nutritious, well-marbled meat with well-developed, complex flavors far superior to conventionally raised pork.   


We are targeting a finish (live) weight of 250lbs for our hogs (125lb half) which we anticipate them to reach in about nine months.  Pricing is calculated based on hanging weight, which is the weight after the hog has been dressed.  We estimate hanging weight to be 72% of live weight, so a 125lb half hog will have a hanging weight of around 90lbs.  From the hanging weight, the hog is further processed to get to the final yield of cuts for your freezer.  The final yield is estimated to be around 60% live weight, so that 125lb half hog will end up yielding approximately 75lbs of meat for your freezer.

Our fee is $7.75/lb hanging weight for a half hog.  On our targeted 125/lb half hog, with a hanging weight of 90lbs, our fee comes to $697.50.  We are estimating butcher fees on a half hog to come in around $150.00 (this will vary depending on options chosen), so the estimated grand total cost comes to $847.50- or $11.30/lb on the 75lb final yield.

What do I get?

Here is an example of what you might expect to get from a half hog-

  • 12-14 lb pork chops

  • 1-2 packages of 3 lb spare ribs

  • 12 lbs of shoulder roasts

  • 2 ham hocks

  • 8-10 lbs ground pork and/or sausage

  • 15-20 lbs ham (whole, half, or steaks)

  • 8-10 lbs bacon


 For storing your half pig, a good rule of thumb is one cubic foot of freezer space for 30 pounds of pig.  On our estimated yield of 75lbs for a half hog, you will need 2.5 cubic feet of freezer space. 


If you have any questions about our bulk pork program please do not hesitate to contact us.